Board Games — the Cure to Boredom

In March of 2020, many Americans found themselves stuck at home in social isolation due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Millions of people sharing a similar life experience along with the rise in social media over the past decade lead to the most social pandemic ever. Even when we couldn’t be with people, we had zoom meetings, we sent our friends TikToks, and all tried whipped coffee at the same time due to social media trends. 

During this time, I was lucky to be spending my social isolation with my family. Family time is an important part of how I was raised, so while being sent home from college early was disappointing, the extra time with my family was a plus side. For my family, our time together can mean a variety of things, from cooking dinner to watching our favorite tv shows to playing games together. 

Social isolation with my family led to an increase in our gaming adventures. The constant boredom and trying to find things to do lead to us digging out old games like “Harry Potter Clue” and even old card games from when my mom was growing up like “31” from our games cupboard. 

I’ve always loved games; board games, video games, card games, you name it. There is such a specific level of stimulation that makes my brain so happy when I’m focused on the game, even if I’m not strategizing that much. It always baffles me when other people don’t enjoy games as much as I do. Sure, my family likes games, but not to the point where they would play them every night. 

I’m lucky to have moved into my own apartment now, luckier that I have roommates I love, and even luckier that they love games as much as I do. They’ve helped us find fun ways to pass time when life gets slow. We’ve been playing games all the time, so it’s become even more of an area of expertise for me. But, I want anyone who has an interest in learning more about games or is just curious to read what I share. 

With this site, I hope to inspire others to try out some new games, new strategies, or even just give games a chance again. Some of my friends don’t like playing games in general because they don’t like getting competitive, but not all games are cutthroat and competitive. I want people to enjoy games if they haven’t before and to find new games to add to their collection. 

Games are a fun way to kill time but the cost of buying new and interesting games can add up quickly. One really great way to get into games without breaking the bank and supporting local businesses is to find a local game shop like Knight Watch Games in San Antonio, Texas. They have various games available to play for free and it’s a great way to get to know the people in your community.

If you want to talk to me directly you can check out my about page and shoot me an email or find me on twitter & instagram. You can also find my top ten games page on the sidebar to check out what my favorite games are. I hope you stick around and see what I have to share with you!

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